Some progressives will vote for Scott because a Republican with no veto is preferable to a Democrat with one.

A governor just impedes the socialist will of the people!

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I wish I could share your optimism about this possibility. I don't even consider Scott to be a moderate. He's more liberal than the late Joe Lieberman, a moderate Democrat. He's signed on to permanent mail in voting with zero audit trail and he's signed onto late term abortions, among other far left ideas nominally based in compassion but better associated with evil. He's far out of the mainstream (far to the left) of the entire country on these issues. For years, people like Bernie have been getting away with telling voters that there's a free lunch and the billionaires paying their fair share is all we need. (Bernie is undeterred by the fact that Vermont isn't really home to many billionaires). Certainly the current leadership of VT GOP is not committed to a bold vision to counter the Bernie narrative - all Scott/Dame offer is slightly less crazy liberalism. I will not be donating a single penny to a party that has Scott at the top of the ticket. I think enough Vermont voters have fallen for Bernie's schtick that if they have the opportunity to bring in Dean as the real deal liberal, they will go all in on the crazy. If Dean is the guy, I think he'll beat Scott easily and maybe then the state will hit the rock bottom it deserves.

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Scott has done a lot of stuff I don't agree with, for sure. He is certainly a social progressive. But so are the alternatives on the left. A democrat governor would rubber stamp all of that agenda plus the spending and taxes that Scott has vetoed. For me it's not a question of do I like Phil Scott; it's do I prefer Phil Scott more than the alternative on the ballot. My hope for November 2024 is that we elect more conservative Republicans in the House and Senate. That requires a real get out the vote effort. The only figure that can afford such an operation at this point is Scott. If you want a conservative alternative to the VTGOP vision, start a PAC or donate to an existing one. Check out Right 4 Vermont PAC.

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Right 4 Vermont PAC lost me at their desire to “back Governor Scott’s no-nonsense agenda”.

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Show me where they said that?

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https://www.right4vermont.com 2nd paragraph.

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