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This is something I have wondered about also. Could be the state is just virtue signaling and keeping the SJW's on the payroll to keep them happy and quiet and turn a blind eye to the apparent disregard of their mission by "the system".

In our town, the social justice board morphed into a county restorative justice center and receiving referrals of juvenile cases from other towns and the Dept of Corrections. As a result, they are overwhelmed with cases and a shortage of trained counselors. All the meeting minutes contain ongoing discussions of getting funding somehow, anywhere. Apparently, our wonderful AG has stated she will not prosecute unless an egregiously heinous crime, with the exception being allegations of graffiti or an angry constituent phone call they deem "threatening" to their persons or families or one of their colleagues. Seems a little passing the ball around while trying to dip further into the taxpayer bucket.

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