I was so disgusted when my kids entered public school; the lack of discipline, anti-God, etc. And that was 25 years ago. Act 60 was supposed to be about leveling the playing field re: funding. It soon became the start of the unraveling of civil discourse under the guise of empathy.

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Glad you tied in all the other wrongheaded policies brought about by the left's decades-long social engineering. The dumbing down is all of a piece to population control and ushering in their NWO. I find the enviro-nazi climate agenda insidious in its reach into private property in the name of conservation. They are only conserving it for themselves through various forms of restricted access and use; and once the fiat money system implodes and the public purse is bankrupt, it will be returned to the non-profits (mostly "paid" for with taxpayers dollars) whose BOD have authority to buy, sell, or otherwise dispose of it as they wish.


When the uber wealthy elite have a sufficient number of their robotic army of transhuman sycophants programmed to serve and protect them from the hoi polloi, then we are finished and the next genocide will be in the books. If they cannot make you surrender your guns, they will overwhelm you with stormtroopers/SWAT teams and take you by force to their nearest FEMA concentration camp...or just kill you if you try to defend yourself.

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