Jun 12Liked by Robert Roper

If it hasn't become clear to everyone by now that the intent of their laws is to divide families and destroy functional communities, causing all kinds of chaos and death, then we are all in for a rough ride.

All our institutions are corrupted. It may have been planned and pushed from above (UN, WEF, WHO, etc.), but it is at the local and state levels that they infiltrate, indoctrinate and force everyone to accept.

Thus is the VT legislature comprised and compromised since Bernie and his comrades marched their way here. I don't see how it can be changed unless and until we get some transparency into and rid ourselves of the Dominion ballot machines and mail-in ballot verification, not to mention how our media chooses to spin their political topics.

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Jun 11Liked by Robert Roper

Well, isn't the term "book ban" used to incite Nazi references? Or communist references? So whenever anyone promotes the term, whichever side, I tend to discount anything they say. That being said, I absolutely think sexually explicit material should not be allowed to any person/child under the age of consent (legally, age 16). Period. End Statement.

Isn't it the law? I guess it is not. I found this but of course, it is not really helpful. 13 V.S.A. Chapter 64 However, in 13 V.S.A. § 2821 they totally get around this by section 7B. It is a disgusting state of affairs.

They unbounded hypocrisy by the left/woke/prog/dem whathaveyou is incomprehensible. Children under 18 should not be tried as adults because their "brains aren't fully formed", they can't buy weapons, get married, drink or smoke for the same reason, but it's okay to foist sex on them.

I remember seeing something on the news back in 2009 and I made a proclamation to my husband that they will make pedophilia normal. I wish with every fiber of my being that I was wrong.

What distresses me even more is the utter lack of attention given to this and other issues by my neighbors/townsfolk etc. I guess it so distresses them that they cannot pay attention, or they would lose their minds. That is the only viable explanation. This is the one time in my entire life of 62 years that I am glad I couldn't have children.

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Perhaps they will need to ban Milton's Areopagitica also?

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