"Idiocracy" is NOT 500 years in the future. It is alive and well in Vermont. Showcased daily.

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The problem is very simply expressed. The state is spending way too much money for inferior results in many areas but especially in public education. VT has twice the budget of NH and half the population of NH. There is no way to say that is sustainable or necessary. Are NH residents moving in any numbers to VT to enjoy better services? I have seen no data demonstrating that. Our public school students number about 80,000 and the teacher, support staff numbers about 30,000. This is the highest staff/student ration in the country. The metrics for assessing how our students rank is no where near the highest in the country….high cost for inferior outcomes. Unless or until our legislature acknowledges this basic problem of uncontrolled costs with resulting inferior outcomes nothing can change.

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It would be nice to hear from a few random constituents in Kornheiser's district to see what the hell they are thinking re-electing her.

One wonders how many of these Gen X socialist women who wormed their way into legislatures, AG's, state's attorneys, secretaries of state, etc. are among the last two generations of Young Global Leaders graduates. They seem to be everywhere in this state.


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Of course these days, given what ivy league universities are putting out, they could all just be graduates of any school, since by all accounts public education is thoroughly captured.

I was pleased to hear one of the things Trump has on his platform is the elimination of the Dept of Ed.

"...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...."

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Thanks for continuing to shine a light on this absurd situation.

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