Would it surprise anyone to learn that China and Russia are funding a lot of the green energy propaganda that is directing our policies? https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/03/09/russias-propaganda-war-on-fossil-fuels-n2604243 China wants us dependent upon their solar panels and batteries. And Russia wants us to stop producing fossil fuels we need in the US to drive prices up so they can make more $ from their production. They are using our own organizations against us.

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And don’t forget 10% for the big guy. I’m sure that money had nothing to do with ensuring that US energy policy was aligned with China’s interests. I’m glad we don’t have corrupt politicians selling out our country.

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Great work, Rob. Keep them coming.

Since China, et al, aren't playing this game, it's NO BENEFIT and ALL COST for us as a state and country.

If one nation was trying to weaken their sworn enemy culturally, economically and militarily prior to attack, what better way than to populate their enemy's institutions, government, academia, media with communist sympathizers. Teach them to be so arrogant as to believe they are saving the world by impoverishing their neighbors. No questioning or debate is allowed. Same with elections--go figure. Yet, here we are buying all our "green" energy products and components from the CCP.

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This is exactly right. So the Public Utility Commission is charged with leveling a tax which the DPS shows to be of no benefit -- do taxpayers have a recourse when two branches of government are at odds?

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