Okay got a couple of things:

First, someone will have to file a lawsuit.

Second, it will take some time and effort from somebody to take the issue to court. And be adjudicated and then repealed.

In the meantime, they will still be taking money from us and I guarantee you the towns/state or whatever collection body will not be returning the unconstitutionally collected money to the taxpayers. Of that, I am certain.

Third, you state that the long-term solution is to vote them out. Well.... our little district of 4 thousand folks has no significant conservative voice and indeed in my little town, no Republican party exists and I can't get a single person to agree to reorganize so that we can have some input in to the voting process!!! The apathy is astounding. And now a wildly liberal/left/woke/Dem has announced her run for Rep and the local paper called her a "shoe-in" since no one has registered to run against her from any party. I can't post anything conservative on FPF because I'm censured. And honestly, would it really make a difference? There simply aren't enough conservative voices to get conservatives in office to countermand the supermajority. I think that is what distresses so many conservatives of whatever party. It's like running into a tidal wave thinking you are gonna power right through it and survive.

It's utter madness I tell you. I can't do this by myself and on the rare occasion I do run into a conservative from my area as soon as I mention anything that might require actual action, I get ghosted. I get it. No one wants to fight a losing battle. But criminy.

I will post something on FPF and take a screen shot and then I will go back a few days later and another "newsletter" will have come out and my submission will be gone. I'll send it to you if you like.

To sum it up, people need to get off their backsides and take an interest. Otherwise, their offspring will someday say, well my ancestors could have done something, but they were too busy doing something else (I get that everyone is busy... but losing your money and your freedoms aren't worth fighting for????)

Sorry for the rant.

Thanks for writing this and hopefully more people will read it. I will share it as best I can.

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I entirely sympathize with P.B.in her despair at living in a town whose voters clearly have drunk the dem/prog kool-aid. It is really difficult to rouse the citizenry to get a realistic view of their own predicament. I have posted here too many times saying the only way to reverse this insanity is to actually vote these people out of the Legislature .

However, this tax hike is so onerous and so unnecessary that it may be the straw that just might break the camel’s back. Property owners in P.

B.s town will see and pay the increase. Renters in her town don’t pay property taxes but the landlords do and that cost will have to reflected in higher rents. There will come a point when enough of these voters say “stop this madness “. And as a corollary why do we not hear more about the fact Rob Roper raised in a recent article: New Hampshire has twice our population but gets along just fine with a budget one half the size of Vermont’s. So Vermonters are saddled with paying 4x the taxes per capita versus New Hampshire’s residents . To paraphrase Hamlet: there is some very rotten in the state Denmark (


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