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Well, thanks for saying the things I've been stewing on for weeks now. Sadly, the libs/progs in my area think this is a virtuous tax increase which assumingly manages to assuage their privileged guilt.

I've called for a "Conservative Voices" gathering in my town this Sat and already they have come after me. They are, to use my favorite phrase, bat shit crazy.

I do so dearly want us, as a civilization, to get back to being polite and truly tolerant (not the fake version they've been shoving down our throats the last 20 years). But every day I become more convinced that will never occur until a massive upheaval occurs. The likes of which I cannot forecast. But without which will not shake them from their horribly misguided reality or should I say fantasy.

In my post on FPF I entreated conservatives to take action lest their descendants say, "well my ancestors could have done something, but they were busy doing something else." We'll see how it shakes out. I'm not hopeful.

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