The only way to stop this legislative insanity is to encourage Republican candidates to run in 2024, fund these candidates, do on the ground work for these candidates, and vote for these candidates . Unless the voters eliminate the current veto-proof majorities, this state will get good and hard the policies the eco-lunatic legislators are foisting on us.

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Just read Roger Pielke’s Substack article on the non-scientific basis of the egregious social-cost-of-carbon concept so widely touted in the climate community. People saying this concept is valid and must be used to inform policy should be forced to justify its basis which of course they cannot because it is complete junk science.

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What boondoggle. It's China's social credit system dressed up as virtue. We get absolution for our climate sins by paying indulgences, according to their ordained priests (crony lobbyists) in service to their gaia and/or personal bank accounts.

Thanks, Rob, for keeping track of this travesty of legislation. Tyrants and parasites never sleep.

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