Rob Roper, Annette Smith, and Myers Mermel, among others, have been writing and testifying about this fiasco since it was first proposed. Their criticisms have proved amazingly accurate. I suggest the legislature pay close attention to their opinions on the next round of planet saving proposals and have a bit more skepticism about the lobbying efforts of REV, VPIRG, CLF, Blittersdorf, and the Climate Caucus.
I forwarded your article to the VT GOP with this comment:
Hey GOP! Answer the question. What are you putting forth to get this fiasco repealed? No half-measures! Time to step up, in spite of Phil Scott's buy-in with the climate scammers.
I fully expect that legislators like the ever brilliant Becca White will ignore this report completely and blame the PUC and the Equity Advisory Council for responding to special interests in coming to their biased conclusions. Then tell them to try harder and make it work as written.
Act 153 needs to be repealed at the same time, or at a minimum change the mandates to goals, while also repealing the cause of action starting at the bottom of page 21 of Act 153. Otherwise, the state is stuck between a rock and a hard place - mandates without a feasible method of implementation. Just heard back from a freshman Representative-elect, and it sounds like this is in the works. We definitely need to put an end to the CLF lawsuit.
Rob Roper, Annette Smith, and Myers Mermel, among others, have been writing and testifying about this fiasco since it was first proposed. Their criticisms have proved amazingly accurate. I suggest the legislature pay close attention to their opinions on the next round of planet saving proposals and have a bit more skepticism about the lobbying efforts of REV, VPIRG, CLF, Blittersdorf, and the Climate Caucus.
I forwarded your article to the VT GOP with this comment:
Hey GOP! Answer the question. What are you putting forth to get this fiasco repealed? No half-measures! Time to step up, in spite of Phil Scott's buy-in with the climate scammers.
I fully expect that legislators like the ever brilliant Becca White will ignore this report completely and blame the PUC and the Equity Advisory Council for responding to special interests in coming to their biased conclusions. Then tell them to try harder and make it work as written.
Becca White insists on a raise for wasting taxpayer time and money on GWSA/CHS nonsense legislation.
I think there should be an IQ threshold for the state senate. Maybe about 90.
There should also be an emotional quotient threshold, as well, and a communist quotient of zero to qualify for any government office in the U.S.
Act 153 needs to be repealed at the same time, or at a minimum change the mandates to goals, while also repealing the cause of action starting at the bottom of page 21 of Act 153. Otherwise, the state is stuck between a rock and a hard place - mandates without a feasible method of implementation. Just heard back from a freshman Representative-elect, and it sounds like this is in the works. We definitely need to put an end to the CLF lawsuit.
If such legislation is introduced but not taken up in committee, it will expose the Democrats even more.