Sep 18Liked by Robert Roper

There are things I would dearly love to write about this Public Servant. However, I promised a year ago, not to engage in ad hominem attacks... any further. It is taking a great deal of self-control to contain it. She and her cohort, Tristan Roberts really test my restraint.

It would be interesting to discover what gains she will get, should she get this passed, at all the various levels, over the next 5 or however many years it will take. Who is behind this or what organization is behind this and what are they dangling in front of her. Because all her rhetoric is not of a committed conservationist or ecologist or even a climate change fanatic. It's just... we are going to take your money, and you will be happy about it.

I would pay GOOD money to see you debate her Mr. Roper. In a proper Oxford Union debate or competitive debate. Have you ever offered? Would you do it? I wish I had the fee to hire Ben Shapiro come and annihilate her. She'd never agree to debate him though. One can dream.

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She did agree to debate me at one point, said she wanted to do it in September, but stopped responding to emails from me about nailing down a date and venu.

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Well, surprise, surprise, surprise. ((Thank you Gomer Pyle)

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Sep 18Liked by Robert Roper

The absurdity of passing this monstrosity is alarming. I would bet that Vermont with all its trees and open land and with few residents is not contributing at all to "climate change ". These elitists in positions of power have a need to feel "righteous"and "virtuous" with their insistence on pushing this agenda. They won't have live with the consequences of their legislation. They need to be stopped. Let's get some common sense and those who care for the taxpayers in this beloved State.

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