The bilking shenanigans of our rulers continues, despite our objections. There isn't even the pretence of building a constituent consensus on these matters. There's only insistent submission to their agenda. MY BROKEN RECORD REFRAIN: When are we going to get out of the schooling business?

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Thanks for the short history review of education establishment shenanigans. Maybe between the two groups passing the buck, voters will come to realize that neither group, nor their bought-and-paid-for democrat legislators, are interested in anything that benefits the children -- only their own pocketbooks and control.

I pray that in my remaining lifetime an awakening will occur where a majority come to understand how privitization and homeschooling are models of a free market economic solution that would eliminate the whole expensive, corrupt and abusive league of grifters, and restore the choices and responsibilities of educating children back where it belongs, with families.

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