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Maybe someone can clue Gemma in. Climate change legislation doesn't necessarily translate into a cleaner environment. The Davos hypocrites do their arrogant rain dance to con and scold the masses into giving up their money and freedom. Too many of our legislators fall for it -- or, more likely, just sell their souls for the money and power. I didn't vote for either group, but too many did. I imagine they must find comfort in a weaponized justice system that protects them.

Bill Rice, Jr. has a new piece reflecting on how easy it was for the globalists to pull off the plandemic...by capturing the leadership of our most trusted institutions. By following the money and recognizing their mafia tactics, it isn't difficult to see how the collusion between our government agencies with healthcare, education, and media can convince the sheeple to line up their cars around the block to get the poison jab. The climate scam isn't a whole lot different...sticks for the masses and carrots for their favorite corporate and NGO sponsors.


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