Oct 21Edited

I am a candidate running for office in Addition District 2. I turned off my FPF account a couple of Christne J Stone - Years ago. I recently contacted them to restart my account as a means to run for office. I also gave them my new address. I was denied reactivation because according to FPF I broke too many of their community guidelines. I stated that I turned my account off, therefore I need to understand what guidelines I broke to warrant denial of reactivation. FPF did not respond to my inquiry. I think it is time for a class action lawsuit. If elected I will support terminating tax payer subsides for this organization.

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Yes, investigate FPF, it's long over due!

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Former Legislator Avram Patt from Worcester wrote a lengthy piece justifying his vote for the Clean Heat Bill. FPF published it. When I wrote a short rebuttal clarifying many inaccuracies and factual corrections FPF made it dissapear. So much for presenting a balanced view.

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I learned my lesson about submissions evaporating into thin air, and write them in a Word document, save them, and take a screen shot when my submissions are "pending" under my account. I recommend everyone do this in preparation for a class action lawsuit.

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I am the person Bruce post refers to. I am banned from Front Porch Forum. I can say that yes it censures speech the editors do not like. In my case it was exposing an astro turfing campaign hosted by FPF.

IMO Front Porch Forum is not social media. It is an edited publication where the content providers, although not paid, are edited like other published media. As such it should not be exempt from liability like other social media companies are thanks to FCC rule 230.

Even "Print" media publishes letters that criticizes that specific outlet. FPF not only excludes content from those it does not like but will not even let them receive what others are saying. So it cannot reach everyone by design.

No tax dollars should be paid to FPF. It is not available to all to read. If that minimal access is satisfied In could be used to post notices. But while it is an edited publication that censures - no tax dollars should go into its for profit wallet until it meets basic free speech standards.

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I’ve also been refused publication on FPF in many frustrating instances where other viewpoints on the same matters I was trying to comment on were allowed while mine were not. Two examples:

When Vermont taxpayers were expected, without input, acquiescence, or refusal, to send our hard-earned dollars for Ukrainians to die in a conflict manufactured by the US and NATO, the great Sunflower-planting-across-Vermont campaign was launched on FPF. My thoughtful Antiwar response was denied publication though it didn’t violate any community standards except being political in nature. I concur my post referenced non-local political policy, but I made it clear I was responding to widespread FPF posts for calls-to action on local communities to show our support for the war.

I made an attempt to respond to Vermont Teacher’s Union posting calls-to-action to support the Union’s demands for further school closures and extended mandates during Covid. Again I was denied publication because the moderator did not like my using the word “evidence” to establish the points of argument in my text. I disputed their interpretation of the word and their claim that I was declaring indisputable fact to my argument. In this instance, my dispute paid off, and my accusing FPF of employing the use of fallible moderators who might not even understand basic meanings of words to accept or reject posts based on at best ignorance, or worse political biases that appear to be top-down, as utterly ridiculous and undemocratic, and FPF published my post.

I asked for fair treatment by contacting FPFs clandestine staff, not through a provided email or phone contact of which there is neither, but by posting to the forum and addressing those posts to “Dear Moderators.” Someone responded to me on all occasions, but each time cited some policy that I was violating, however loosely they were at liberty to interpret said policies. They were willing to concede on some of their policy assertions. But FPF was more inclined to reject all points of my policy disputes and pleas for fair treatment, as in the case of my trying to respond to the Sunflowers-for-Ukraine propaganda.

I agree that FPF should not receive public taxpayer subsidies unless and until they act as a true public forum without prejudice. An open public forum would already be subject to laws for defamation and illegal speech. A true open dialogue could be offensive to some, but open discourse is the foundation for freedom for all.

Thank you so much for writing this article and inviting comments. It’s time the 1984ishness—the censorship and social engineering vibes—of FPF get addressed.

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During the recent Essex merger debate, an Essex resident who helped publish a community newsletter uncovered a breathtaking scam using fake identities being done on FPF. Because the guy used FPF to link to his article, I believe he was banned from FPF. FPF at one time called itself “essential public infrastructure”, but it is decidedly not subject to public disclosure laws. By the way, here’s a link to that telling article: https://www.essexretorter.com/bogus-accounts-breach-fpf

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“Without resorting to personal attacks”

This post in the Arlington FPF on October 12th seemed to be a personal attack.

Joe Gervais, Wrong for Vermont

Eric Rickstad • E Arlington Rd, Arlington


As an independent, I vote for common sense leadership that seeks compromise on both sides to arrive at solutions for all, regardless of party. I've voted for Phil Scott and other Republicans, Democrats and Independents who have these traits.

Candidate Joe Gervais is more fixated on ideology and culture wars than real results that matter most to Vermonters' daily lives.

His website states we need to "get political agendas out of the classroom and focus on reading, math, and science proficiencies."

To suggest our schools don't already focus on core proficiencies is abjectly false and a disgraceful insult to our education professionals and students.

I gather by "political agenda" he means our schools' acceptance of ways of life that don't align with his personal choices & agenda.

Mr. Gervais is wildly out of touch with these false talking points.

With a child at AMHS and one at Fisher, I applaud our schools. They strive to be inclusive, safe and welcoming for all. They provide a rigorous, rounded curriculum of science, math, social studies, English, foreign language, sports, music and art. AMHS has classes in Financial Literacy, Business Management, Building Trades, Human Services, Cosmetology, Forestry & Heavy Equipment, Law Enforcement & many more. 7&8th grade has AP classes in English, Social Studies & Math. School trips to the Bronx Zoo, Fort Ticonderoga, Hildene, Quebec & elsewhere expand learning, broaden perspectives, and are fun, memorable times of bonding, too. Our teachers, admin & coaches are top notch.

Mr. Gervais ought to go to an AMHS play, recital or Werner Soccer Tournament to experience our fostering of a belonging for all & how bright, talented, unique, committed and caring each teacher, coach, parent and student is.

Mr. Gervais states we need to "fix our roads and bridges and prioritize local projects needed to assist flood mitigation and resiliency." I agree.

Thankfully, Vermont got $833+ million from the Biden/Harris infrastructure bill for these exact projects. Yet Mr. Gervais backs Trump who denies climate change & promised an infrastructure bill for four years but never delivered it.

Mr. Gervais's states: "citizens are losing trust in government, schools, healthcare, and the media."

HE might be losing trust, but most Vermonters strongly believe in our institutions and traditions. We embrace & safeguard the greatness of America. We believe in the law & justice system. When we disagree, we seek solutions within the bounds of the law and constitution, not through riots, violence and calling for the VP to ignore his oath or be hanged. We believe America is the greatest country on earth, not a "third world country" or "in decline" as Trump does.

No wonder Mr. Gervais is losing trust in government.

Just this week Trump spread more distrust in the government and jeopardized the lives & safety of thousands of OUR fellow Americans when he lied about FEMA not doing its job to rescue Americans, those in need getting just $750, & money for disasters going to immigrants when those budgets are separate.

Trump disparaged & endangered ALL Americans in FEMA who put their lives on the line after Hurricane Helene—Democrats, Republicans, and Independent alike. Does Mr. Gervais not know or care that Republicans work for FEMA too, that their difficult jobs were made harder too by Trump's lies?

It's no wonder Mr. Gervais lacks trust in the media.

For 9 years Trump has railed "fake news" whenever he takes exception to an article or question. Recently when he disagreed with a Harris 60 Minutes interview he called for CBS to be shut down & sold. What a threat to freedom of speech & the press. This is who Mr. Gervais backs?

While Mr. Gervais has toned down his rhetoric on his website since 2022, he remains an extremist. Ask him online or in person:

Why was he at the Capitol on Jan. 6

If he believes the 2020 election was stolen

If he believes humans contribute to climate change wreaking havoc on Vermont

If he believes in a woman's right to choose & to bodily autonomy

If he believes in trans & gay rights

Why he'll vote for Trump after Trump's lies led to bomb threats to schools & hospitals & terrorized children, legal immigrants & OUR fellow Americans of ALL political stripes in Springfield, OH.

Frankly, Mr. Gervais and his supporters should take stock and examine what they stand for as Americans.

Joe Gervais backs Donald Trump, a man Vermont voted down 66 to 34% in 2020.

Joe Gervais received 22% of votes in '22.

Neither man stands for the best of what Vermont is & can be.

Bongartz and Plunkett have my vote this year, not because I agree with every policy, that's not possible. But because they focus on real results on issues that matter, rather than ideological division & false talking points that get nothing done that is important to our daily lives.

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I agree 100% FPF should not be receiving public funds. I've heard soooo many complaints about them.

I was kicked off years ago. They are merciless. No second chances.

I was complaining about free-cats. It pissed a lot of people off. FPF told me that posters were complaining and that they threatened to remove themselves from FPF. I still complained, the cats were sitting in my yard killing birds.

FPF's policies are brutal.

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The most obvious example is the incumbents can post whatever they want to the towns they represent, whenever they want, but candidates are gouged ($$$), limited to characters, limited number of posts per month, and posts are marked as 'political advertising'. Candidates must also pay to see what may be posted about them in FPF in the towns they do not live in.

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So very glad Robert that you have made this public. FPF's policies are a big problem.

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So here's another post on my FPF yesterday, "A Republican vote is for fascism, loss of freedoms and rights, and for a convicted criminal. A Democrat vote is for the constitution, continuation of freedoms and rights, and for a young, inclusive leader. Conservatism will survive a Democrat. It will not survive a fascist." Democrats get to call Republicans fascists, but Republicans aren't allowed to have a civil conversation about Vermont energy policy. No public money for these jerks!

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"A Democrat vote is for the constitution." How ignorant.

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Thank you, Robert.

I noticed the bias in FPF, too. Not only do they discriminate based on political persuasions, they run ads from progressive groups.

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Hoo boy. I went back into my email archive to find a post I wrote to FPF, citing the New England Journal of Medicine on the effectiveness of masks.

They wouldn't post it. At first, I thought it was just a glitch, but I tried another couple of times and realized the Fix Was In. Lots of pro-vax and pro-mask comments, but no counter commentary was allowed at all.

Note that I didn't hector or elaborate on the cited content.

It didn't matter!

The people doing this are sick, sick, sick in the head! They hate us!


Hi [So&So],

Hope you are still doing well. I wanted to respond to you and the other pro-mask people on FPF, but FPF censored my post! Two issues have come out and they still have not posted it.

This is what I wrote:


From the New England Journal of Medicine. -- Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era (May 21, 2020)

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”


Also, consider that some people may have health issues that preclude them from wearing masks.


They won’t publish this!!!

[edited to delete extraneous non-FPF-related comments]


This mail was from end of July 2020, so my FPF attempt was probably sometime earlier that month.

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Sorry to write again Robert, maybe you could combine my posts.

I just wanted to say that I asked FPF to allow the many who they have cut off to read without the ability to post. Public meetings are posted and those whom FPF has cutoff have no access to that information.

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I know of other people who wrote comments against the draconian health impositions, and they were banned from communicating, as well.

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I was kicked off FPF because I disagreed with The Bone's . The condition of their apartment buildings was up for discussion and FPF disagreed with what I had to say about it. They will not reinstate my account. I'm a Republican, need I say more.

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So again we have relinquished exorbitant amounts of money to the commonweal and it's being spent in ways that disturb us...that we didn't in face approve. Doesn't this suggest some more active tax resistance on our part? Perhaps any candidate before us should be asked about what tax repealing measures are on their agenda.

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