It’s amazing that our compliant media is publishing an op-Ed that’s loaded with such horseshit. Try publishing something that’s pro life and in the best case the publishers will have a counterpoint letter or editorial right next to it. But publishing something that advocates from higher taxes, more regulation of the private sector and more government power (which are all synonymous with less liberty) is super easy. Thank goodness for Substack and VDC.

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Excellent exposure of Sharpe as the ultimate “edufraud” who with his colleagues have systematically destroyed K-12 education with their bad policies.

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More curious would be to discover why there are great disparities between districts in how many wards of the State are credited to different schools. The spread is huge -- from less than 1% to more than 25%. The Wards of the State disproportionately demand additional services, which the funding formula does not cover.

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Thanks, Rob. These tyrants never sleep.

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