Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Robert Roper

Now contact your reps and ask them if they agree with all this arrogant testimony blatantly trying to screw the poor and acquire more property, while knowing and admitting none of these acts will do anything for the climate. In fact, quite the opposite, and the evidence proves they are liars and cheats. But you won't see or hear any of this on MSM.

The problem is with getting rid of these corrupt bastards. It is exasperated by the entrenched administrative state -- the bureaucracy hired to facilitate their UN Agenda 2030, within which each individual relies on their income (paid by taxes) and includes hundred or thousands of voters with conflicts of interest. They are among the useful idiots paid to do whatever they are told, thinking they are saving the world. IMO anyone receiving taxpayer dollars should not be allowed to vote or lobby our legislators. That includes non-profits who rely on government grants.

"A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."

George Bernard Shaw

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Jun 14Liked by Robert Roper

Another tool in their black box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKUkZ2oOFF0

Blame it on climate change. What easier way is there to drive people off their land than to burn them out, destroy their livelihoods, impoverishing them, so Blackrock, Gates, et al, can ride in under fake front organizations and buy it up cheap, control access to water, restrict the food supply, etc.?

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It is a monumental struggle for me to keep abreast of state, country and world politics/events while simultaneously maintaining my mental health. Every day I wade in to hear/read some of the most erudite and discerning minds in the world disseminate the hellish, bilious goo that currently constitutes the "news". Then I have to force myself to go do some sweat producing chore and endure deer and black flies chewing my hide to flush the poisonous political weeds out of my system. Then, once the chore is complete, balance is restored.

Can you blame the average person who "can't be bothered with politics"? The average person who's trying to raise a family, navigate the bullshit at work, keep their spouse moderately happy, the house and yard respectable and the bills paid and then have someone tell them they need to be more involved in their community and state politics. I'm not sure why a larger mental health crisis isn't at hand except that people just can't attend to this and stay sane. So they ignore it as best they can. I can't really blame them... can you?

I finally figured out why so many people like Trump. Now I've been cogitating on why the left/prog/dem are so brainwashed and hypocritical. I'm not quite at a conclusion yet, but I'm close. The basic premise has to do with a collapsing society. But still working on that one.

Now, I apologize for going on a tangent Mr. Roper. I do hope you are able to enjoy some R and R and we'll "see" you next week.

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After posting my comment, it occurred to me that I have said roughly the same thing recently and lo and behold, I have. On your Substack three days ago. My apologies for essentially repeating the same thought.

I have been thinking that there should be four bills that the conservative groups should push through next session. We should spend every cent on making it happen.

#1 No more than 100 bills per legislative session.

#2 No omnibus bills

#3 Constitutional voting with ID

#4 balanced senate and house, no super majority

Now, that last one is a sticky one. No idea how that could be accomplished. But I think it is imperative that a super majority ever occurs again, regardless of which side it is.

Just my two cents worth.

What do y'all think?

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The legislature and the PUC is going to (of course) ignore the correct observations of the Equity group and proceed full speed ahead. Because they’ve convinced themselves that they’re saving the world and they can’t let the economic devastation get in their way. They were delusional when they passed this and there are no signs that they’ve changed. Strong evidence of this in their commitment to go full speed ahead overriding veto of property tax hike. We should thank them all for letting us keep whatever money we’ve retained at the end of the year.

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