One thing for sure, Kornheiser certainly can GUSH.

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It appears that Cristobal Young's argument is wobbly. But even before we get to its merits and this the legislature's confirmatory data quest we need to note that this whole legislative effort is way off the rails. We are looking at a legislators animated by the idea that some people are "too" successful and so we need to selectively take their resources to pay for our government. Oh LORD!!! That success is a mortal sin continues to hold sway in our current ethos is Sander's-level-cringe-worthy. That sub groups of the population should be sorted out for unequal treatment under the law is outrageous to American citizenry...that government costs so much that we need to confiscate more resources from the citizenry? Isn't this suggestive that government costs TOO much? Are they going to consider reducing it?

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